The Blog

Navigating the ever-changing world of nutrition can be tricky! These posts are a balanced blend of relevant, up-to-date family-friendly nutrition topics and tips.

picky child with head down and arms crossed in front of a plate of vegetables

Helping Your Selective Eater

Does your child have an extremely limited list of accepted foods? Do they snub their nose or tantrum when a new food is offered? Are they resistant to eating family meals at the table? If so, your child may be a selective eater. This article helps to define selective eater, discusses when to get outside

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Green plate with banana slices in the shape of a smiley face, topped with peanut butter and mini chocolate chips

High Protein Foods for Picky Eaters

Are you caught in the hot dog and chicken nugget trap? Or more specifically, the dinosaur chicken nugget trap? If you’re a parent of a picky eater, you’re probably nodding your head (If you know, you know). Getting high protein foods into your picky eater can be challenging! Protein is a key nutrient in every

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spoons and forks filled with kid-friendly protein sources: nuts, cheese, peanut butter, meat stick, beans, egg and pumpkin seeds with text: protein for kids

Protein For Kids: How Much Do They Really Need?

Have you ever asked yourself “Is my child getting enough protein?” or “How much protein does my child really need?” In my practice as a dietitian, this question comes up a lot! And more often than not, I find that kids are either getting too little or too much of this important nutrient. This article

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Food chaining image linking ritz crackers to a whole grain peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Food Chaining: What, Who & How

“But I want the granola bar in the orange wrapper!” your preschooler screams at you during snack time. “Monkey yogurt” your toddler tantrums when you offer a new brand of yogurt. Complete SILENCE at the dinner table when you serve up your homemade version of chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese instead of the usual

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Infographic titled 5 steps to meal planning for busy moms. Step 1: Meal-storm, Step 2: Weekly Plan, Step 3: Groceries, Step 4: Monthly Plan, Step 5: Backup Plan

Meal Planning for Busy Moms: 5 Steps for Success in 2024

Have you ever stared blankly into your fridge or pantry wondering what to make with the ingredients on hand? Do you find yourself aimlessly wandering the grocery store aisles struggling to decide what to buy for dinner this week? Or do you find yourself stumped with pen and paper in hand, trying to come up

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