Nutrition Counseling Services

Food to Table Nutrition offers individualized, client-centered nutrition education and counseling services for infants through adolescents (and their parents) for the following conditions:

  • ARFID/Picky Eating
  • Autism/ADHD
  • Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating
  • Failure to Thrive & Underweight
  • Fertility Challenges
  • Food Allergies & Food Sensitivities
  • Headaches
  • Infant Nutrition & Feeding Concerns
  • PCOS
  • Prediabetes
  • Pre- / Postnatal Nutrition
  • General Sports Nutrition
  • Weight Concerns

Services are currently provided in office or via telehealth. Some insurances are accepted. Self-pay clients will be provided a superbill upon request. Ask about our prompt-pay discounts!

Registered Dietitian typing on her laptop at the kitchen farmhouse table

What to Expect the First Visit...

If this is your first time participating in nutrition counseling, you may be wondering what to except. The first visit involves a a lot of information collecting. I use a holistic approach rather than simply treating symptoms, so I will ask about your (child’s) health history, medications, eating habits, food preferences, activity habits/preferences and sleep habits. Then, I will work hard to find out your goals, motivations, and potential barriers. Lastly, I  will send you off with actionable goals (and sometimes homework) to work on until our next visit.

What to Expect at Follow Up Visits...

Because most nutrition change happens between visits, follow up appointments are essential to help you and your child make progress. During these visits, I work not only to educate you on what you or your child should be eating, but also work equally as hard help find sustainable and creative ways for you to implement these recommendations. At these visits, we re-evaluate goals, troubleshoot barriers, and create new goals. Not everyone’s nutrition journey is the same. Some conditions (like food allergies or headaches) may be resolved within a few visits, while others (like picky eating and disordered eating) may require more frequent, ongoing sessions. Visit frequency is determined on a case-by-case basis, but it often begins as weekly or bi-weekly visits and then transitions to monthly and becomes less frequent as progress is made. Research has shown that long term nutrition success is linked with regular follow up and accountability.

*I also understand that frequent follow-up visits, though necessary for some conditions, can cause a financial burden over time. I work hard to provide reasonable accommodations including payment plans and visit frequency discounts should you or your child require frequent visits.

Initial Assessment


Detailed review of health and nutrition history, food intake analysis, nutrition education & counseling, goal setting, 1-Day complimentary meal plan

60-90 minutes

Follow Up Visit


Monitoring & adjustment of goals, reassessment and additional education & counseling

45-60 minutes

MRT Testing

Call for Pricing

Mediator Release Testing (MRT) is evidence-based food sensitivity testing useful for individuals with chronic inflammatory conditions including eczema, IBS, migraines, PCOS and more.

When coupled with an ImmunoCalm elimination diet, it can provide dramatic improvement in symptoms.

Meal Planning Services

You and I both know healthy meal planning can be a challenge! Between picky eating, food allergies, busy schedules and tight budgets, planning menus can feel  overwhelming and downright frustrating! These Meal Planning Services, powered by EatLove can be purchased individually or as an add-on to a package.

Basic Meal Planning


This service is available through EatLove and includes 5 breakfast, lunch & dinner menus (including recipes) per week for 1 month. If you aren’t satisfied with your menu, alternate choices are available. An initial assessment is not required for purchase. 1 week free trial available.

Custom Meal Planning


This service is an advanced version of Basic Meal Planning and can be customized to suit your specific dietary needs. It can be adapted to a specific calorie level, to be allergen-free, and to include additional meals such as breakfast, lunch and snack. This must be purchased as an add-on to an initial assessment.

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