Meet the Dietitian...

Hi, I’m Shannon, a Quakertown, PA-based Registered Dietitian/Licensed Nutritionist and owner of Food to Table Nutrition, LLC. I’ve been an RDN for 16 years and have a variety of personal and professional experience in maternal and pediatric nutrition (see services for full listing of specialties). I have extensive experience working with children and teenagers with eating disorders (including family-based therapy) as well as picky eating and weight concerns. I also love helping moms navigate the prenatal through infant nutrition stages. In my practice, I incorporate principles of intuitive eating, functional and culinary nutrition, and creative problem-solving strategies to help my clients. In addition to my experience, I hold a Certificate of Training in Childhood & Adolescent Weight Management.

I am also a wife and mother of 4 amazing children, who are my inspiration and test-kitchen guinea pigs. As a busy mom, I’m passionate about making nutrition practical by helping moms and families improve their meal planning and cooking skills. I also highly value the importance of preventative nutrition by creating positive food experiences and by teaching kids cooking confidence. Outside of work, I enjoy cooking, baking, reading (keeping up with the latest nutrition research) and staying active!

My nutrition journey began when I was a kid. My mom let me get involved in the kitchen at an early age, and one of my favorite pastimes was paging through my family’s Alphabet Cookbook. This grew into a love of cooking and baking. In my teenage years, I began to develop my own food values. During this time, I vacillated between “food freedom” where I chose to eat whatever and however much I wanted, and “food bondage” where I created food rules for myself. All the while, you could still find me paging through cookbooks and food magazines. Finally, somewhere along my journey, I found the delicate balance…where I could eat healthfully, while also enjoying the foods I loved.

Since then, I’ve experienced 4 pregnancies and the various accompanying symptoms of fatigue, morning sickness and cravings. I’m also no stranger to the sleepless nights, fatigue and brain fog that accompany post-partum life. And I’m presently in the thick of raising my 4 children, each with their own unique food preferences and eating habits.

It’s with this knowledge and background that I come ready to help you, your child, and your family…wherever you are at on your journey!

Profile picture of Shannon Leatherman, the Dietitian
Shannon (owner) as an infant being held by her grandma

Food to Table Nutrition, LLC is dedicated in loving memory of my Grandmom, who passed just as the company was about to launch. She will be remembered for always having table full of food to share with others and for creating many memories around the table.

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